Hello friends and patients! I would like to invite you to visit me for an acupuncture and Chinese medicine session in my new location in Brighton. Here I will be providing face to face treatments and continue to provide support for the symptoms management of Chronic Fatigue and Gut Disorders; apart from other whole range of health and wellbeing support. Our new address located at: Good Health Group Clinic 333 Nepean Highway, East Brighton Victoria 3187, Australia If you would like to book a session with Dr Oscar Moreno, you can do so at the contact section in this website, or you can give us a call on 0416 552 622. Don't forget that we offer private health fund rebates. We hope to see you soon! Hello everyone, I would like to introduce to you our new creation that puts together the ancient East and the modern West together. TMC Integrative Herbal Pain Cream This cream integrates both ancient Eastern and modern Western medicine by mixing the resin Myrrh and the herb Corydalis with diclofenac (Voltaren). Myrrh and Corydalis are two of the major herbs and substances used in ancient eastern medicine for the treatment of pain for thousands of years The cream base is composed of high-grade Lipoderm ®. This cream is a highly absorbable transdermal solution that can deliver the ingredients thoroughly and deep into the area with pain. These creams are made at the COMO Compounding Pharmacy, which is based in Melbourne, Australia; by a highly qualified team of pharmacists and lab technicians. This ensures that all manufacturing requirements within Australia are well followed. If you would like to have more information or if you want to purchase a cream, please send me your details to the following email address or over the contact section of this website and I will contact you back. Please note that these creams are not available just off the shelf. email contact: [email protected] Este es un video donde se muestran masajes que pueden ser utilizados para la fiebre y pueden ser aplicados con facilidad. También incluye la introducción a esta serie de videos que se va a basar en como se podría dar apoyo a distintos síntomas que pueden ocurrir durante enfermedades infecciosas respiratorias. Esta serie de videos esta dedicada a toda la gente de habla hispana que pudiera necesitar ayuda para sus familias y seres cercanos durante esta pandemia. También quiero aclarar que estos videos no son substitutos para atención medica moderna y que cualquier persona que pudiera considerarse con síntomas de infecciones respiratorias tiene que consultar con su medico lo más pronto posible. Amigos y pacientes de habla Hispana, Esta es una traducción de un blog que escribí previamente en Inglés. Mi propósito es poder hacer llegar esta información a gente de habla hispana. Por favor pásenlo a sus amigos y familiares como una ayuda posible y fácil de hacer en casa durante esta pandemia. Por causa de la pandemia del COVID19, estamos pasando a través de un periodo dentro de nuestra casa la mayoría del tiempo, mientras que esperamos que acaben estos tiempos difíciles. Debido esto, he escrito una receta de un remedio de yerbas y especias caseras que a lo mejor puede asistir al sistema inmune y tener una aplicación antiviral. Yo tomo este remedio todos los días en mi casa y lo quiero compartir con ustedes. He puesto información acerca de las posibles reacciones con medicamentos y de investigación científica respecto a este remedio en este blog. POR FAVOR LÉANLO POR COMPLETO ANTES DE CONSUMIR ESTE REMEDIO DE YERBAS. LIMITACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Esto no es una cura para el COVID19 ya que todavía no hay pruebas de una. Tampoco esta probado como un preventivo para COVID19. SI USTED ESTA ENFERMO CON SÍNTOMAS DE RESFRIADO O GRIPA, POR FAVOR CONSULTE A SU MÉDICO DE FORMA INMEDIATA. El remedio casero: Este remedio casero se basa en yerbas y especias que se pueden comprar en un supermercado. ADVERTENCIA: No consuma las versiones de aceites esenciales de estas substancias sin consultar a un profesional en la materia. Dosis diaria para adultos (por persona): Anís 10g Canela 5g Jengibre 5g Ajo Un diente Dosis diaria para niños arriba de 5 años (por niño): Anís 4g Canela 2g Jengibre 2g Ajo Un tercio de diente Método de preparación: Ponga los ingredientes en una olla excepto el ajo. Añada dos tazas de agua y caliente hasta que empiece a hervir. Después déjela hervir en fuego lento por 45 minutos. Añada el ajo triturado al final cuando apague el fuego. Tome una taza tibia en la mañana y una en la tarde. Puede mezclar con miel y limón para mejor sabor. Si síntomas de gripa o resfriado ocurren: (Una ves mas, esto no es una cura probada para coronavirus y tiene que consultar a su médico si esto ocurre). Dosis diaria para adultos (por persona): Anís 12g Canela 6g Jengibre 6g Ajo Un diente y medio Dosis diaria para niños arriba de 5 años (por niño): Anís 6g Canela 4g Jengibre 4g Ajo Un diente Método de preparación: Ponga los ingredientes en una olla excepto el ajo. Añada tres tazas de agua y caliente hasta que empiece a hervir. Después déjela hervir en fuego lento por 45 minutos. Añada el ajo triturado al final cuando apague el fuego. Tome una taza tibia en la mañana y una en la tarde y una en la noche. Puede mezclar con miel y limón para mejor sabor. CONTRAINDICACIONES: NO CONSUMIR AL MISMO TIEMPO QUE MEDICAMENTOS DE RECETA. TOME AL MENOS 2 HORAS DESPUÉS DE MEDICAMENTOS DE RECETAS Y LEA LA INFORMACIÓN QUE SIGUE ACERCA DE INTERACCIONES CON MEDICAMENTOS Si usted toma anticoagulantes (Coumadin), antihipertensivos, paracetamol, metmorfina, o flagil, por favor lea la sección de interacciones con medicamentos. Dosis especial para gente en medicamentos de receta. Dosis se basa en medidas standard de consumo normal (como comida). Adultos: Si toma adelgazadores de sangre, anticoagulantes o antihipertensivos, reduzca el anís a 6g, la canela y el jengibre a 3g y el ajo a medio diente. Divida esta dosis en dos tazas por día. Niños arriba de 5 años: Si toman adelgazadores de sangre, anticoagulantes o antihipertensivos, reduzca el anís a 2.5g, el jengibre y la canela a 1g y el ajo a un cuarto de diente. Divida esta dosis en dos tazas por día. INTERACCIONES YERBAS-MEDICAMENTOS (ES IMPORTANTE LEERLO): -El ajo puede hacer mas fuerte el efecto de medicamentos anticoagulantes como Warfarin (Coumadin) y antihipertensivos (24,27) y puede ser peligros. También puede afectar la velocidad en que otros medicamentos son metabolizados (27). -El anís puede reducir la cantidad de acetaminofeno (paracetamol) disponible en la sangre (28). -El jengibre puede hacer mas fuerte el efecto anticoagulante y antiplaquetario de medicamentos como Warfarin (Coumadin) (30) que puede ser peligroso. También puede interactuar con medicamentos antiinflamatorios y para la presión sanguínea (30). También ha interactuado con Metronidazol (Flagil) (29) en estudios con conejos. -La canela puede empeorar el daño al hígado causado por medicamentos con tal efecto (31,32). También puede afectar la absorción de Metformina en estudios con ratones donde ha afectado el metabolismo de la glucosa (31,32). Adicionalmente, la canela puede incrementar los efectos de drogas anticoagulantes como Warfarin (Coumadin) (33). También, no debe de ser consumida por aquellos con daño en el hígado (9). INVESTIGACION MODERNA: La medicina de yerbas que promueven el sistema inmune y tratan enfermedades virales ha sido usada en la medicina China por mucho tiempo (19,20). La información siguiente puede ayudar a explicar la posible aplicación de las yerbas en este remedio. Anís: La investigación muestra potencial antiviral (2,5,6,7,8), antimicrobial (1,2), antiherpetico (5,8) y antiparasitico (2). Hay evidencia que apunta a efectos broncodilatadores y expectorantes (6), y posible beneficio contra infecciones de garganta e influenza (2,6). Además, es uno de los precursores principales para la fabricación del medicamento antiviral Tamiflu (2,4,6,7). Canela: Hay evidencia que demuestra propiedades antivirales (10,11,12) y antimicrobiales que pueden ayudar en infecciones del tracto respiratorio (2,9,10,13,14), que posiblemente ayuden contra las infecciones de los virus de influenza (10,11,12). También ha demostrado efectos antiherpeticos (10) y actividad inmunoregulatoria (11). Jengibre: Ha demostrado propiedades antivirales (16,18,19,20), antimicrobiales (2,15,18,20), antiherpeticas (5) y efectos inmunoregulatorios (15). Tiene efectos positivos contra los virus de influenza y asiste durante infecciones del tracto respiratorio (3,15,16), aparte de poder ayudar en los síntomas de falta de aliento y jadeo en casos de asma (17). El jengibre fresco es el mejor para efectos en el sistema respiratorio (18). Ajo: La investigación revela efectos antivirales (2,3,22,23,24), antiherpeticos (23), antimicrobiales (2,22,23,24,26) y antiparasiticos (2,22,23,24). También hay evidencia de efectos contra bacteria (26) y viruses de influenza (23,24) relacionados a infecciones respiratorias y a neumonía viral (23). Además, posee actividad inmunomodulatoria al incrementar el potencial inmune y al mismo tiempo reducir la hiperinmunidad en algunas reacciones alérgicas (21,22,24,25). Referencias:
Dear patients and friends, I would like to announce that during the COVID19 pandemic I will be providing telehealth appointments to abide by our current lockdown requirements. I will be offering 15-minute consults for herbal medicine and supplements prescriptions. During this time, I will be providing information on how to self-care at home to support one's immune system to stay as strong as possible during this home-bound time; as well as simple strategies that might be useful to help combat infections if you are sick at home. Wind, cold and immunity. Since ancient times in China, ancient doctors advised to stay away from the cold wind and to protect oneself properly during cold temperature periods to avoid catching "colds". Our current challenge during this pandemic is that we are heading into winter in the southern hemisphere. Some evidence suggests that cold weather can diminish the immune response and allows for a quicker proliferation of the viruses that can create the common cold (1,2,3,4) and possibly increase the propensity for pneumonia (4). A recent study of some immune responses against COVID19 showed that the body creates a vigorous response involving many complex stages in some recovered cases (5) An article by Science Daily helps clarify that this immunity role is essential to survive pandemics such as this one and the lack of proper response possibly occurs in those who unfortunately died (6). Thus, in light of this I would like to give you this advice: -Keep warm at all times by covering properly, especially if being out in the open. Try to wear a scarf and cover your head if necessary -Avoid cold drinks and foods at cold temperature, especially if you are in a cold place. Aim to drink more warm herbal teas and warm soups -If you become cold for any reason, try to warm up as soon as you can -If you are caught in the cold rain, have a hot shower as soon as you get home and try to stay indoors afterwards -Overall, keep warm Let's all do our effort in staying warm to avoid overstraining our immune system and please look after each other during these challenging times. References:
Image Credits: Ben Sprengler. Taken from Flickr Dear friends, Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are going through very challenging times worldwide which will surely deliver a great deal of suffering for most of us. This is a time when we need to find hope and strength within ourselves to make it to the next stage. As such, I wanted to share with you some food for the soul and recommend you one of the greatest written works about mankind and our search for ourselves: "Man's Search for Meaning" By Dr Viktor E. Frankl. This book is the work of the Psychiatric Dr Viktor E. Frankl while he was a Jewish prisoner in different concentration camps during WW2. The main message he evokes is that as humans, we can find life meaning through our pain and suffering by making evident the importance of establishing one's purpose in this life. Dr Frankl's work is still incredibly relevant in today's society and it might help all of us find a better meaning to ourselves and our society during this current pandemic, as well as help us utilise our current misfortunes as a source of personal strength. You can find the book in its written form or in audiobook form. You can actually find the audiobook version free to listen in YouTube. If a man found the key to the meaning of life during one of the worse hardships that modern mankind has ever seen, then his message is one to be taken with the utmost thoughtfulness, especially during times likes this one. Thank you Dr Frankl. Hello everyone, The practice of Integrative Chinese Medicine seems to be emerging in the Western world. This has been practiced in China since at least the middle of last century and now it seems to be gaining a new momentum with the advent of modern Integrative Medicine. What is Integrative Chinese Medicine? Integrative Chinese Medicine is a response to our modern health problems that mixes concepts of both the east and west. It’s aim is to provide the best approaches of both medical paradigms particularly into chronic and complex problems. In essence, it mixes aspects of both ancient Eastern medicine and modern Western medicine together. This system started in China since around half way last century and its the system used there as part of their main health system, including Integrative Eastern Western hospitals like the one I trained at in Shanghai. What are the possible benefits? One of its biggest advantages is that it gives two different views from a particular problem. On the one hand, we have the big picture of eastern medicine that allows us to see the integration of different parts of the body into a problem or a solution; and on the other hand, we have the western medicine view that gives us the minute important details into what is going within each system or organ. The application of both systems might create a new treatment scenario that can cover the gaps that each medical system cannot cover on its own, which could provide a new more extensive and deeper health framework. Why do we do it? This is a response to the very chronic and highly complex cases that we see within the scopes of CFS, chronic infections and chronic inflammation; which render a multitude of other issues. My personal experience is that in modern times we might be seeing an increase in these areas due to our lifestyles and environmental changes, which require a new health paradigm. How is this done and why? Oscar works alongside other integrative medicine practitioners from other modalities which include western medicine (Integrative GP's); naturopaths; nutritionist's and dieticians; pathologists; physical therapy practitioners; mindfulness practitioners; and mental health support. He also applies modern functional and integrative medicine approaches for which he is under constant training and learning. He integrates this methods together with the ancient schools that deal with infectious diseases, immune and gut health within Chinese medicine. This schools (Classical Chinese Medicine) incorporate the theories and treatment methods in these mentioned areas since at least 2000 years ago, which are also continually evolving. About Dr Oscar Moreno, Reg. Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Integrative Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Oscar has been practicing within Integrative Medicine for the past 8 years since he was a TCM Dr in Vitality Hub working alongside Dr Tania Ash amongst other Integrative GP's and naturopaths. He continues to do so at well stablished Integrative Medicine Centres. One of his main goals is to promote and expand the practice of Integrative Chinese Medicine for our modern time needs. More info: If you want more info or would like to make a booking, please contact me through the Contacts section in this website, or through the clinic phone numbers within the same section Hello everyone, I would like to inform you all that private health insurance is still available for Chinese medicine and acupuncture, including my practice. There was a massive cut at the beginning of the year for a large number of natural medicine practices. However, there were no changes for Chinese medicine and acupuncture and they remain available for most of our current private health insurance companies. Please send me an email if you would like more information about this.
Oscar MorenoPractical health and wellness tips from a holistic, integrative Chinese medicine perspective. Archives
April 2023